About Us


Hi!  My name is Karen Wentworth, and my husband is Mike.  In 2012, we moved to the New Hampshire countryside and set about trying to live a simpler, more natural lifestyle. I left a hectic full-time position as Executive Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools at a public school district in Massachusetts and  being deeply involved in our community, to a life of gardening, canning, raising chickens and making herbal products.  I have been determined for years to reduce harmful chemicals and fake foods from our home.  It’s a process, and we are far from perfect, but every little bit helps.

Many years ago, I earned my Bachelor of Science in Natural Health.  Since then I have completed an apprenticeship to become a certified herbalist and am now enrolled in an online course to learn more about having an herbal and aromatherapy business.  I also have spent many, many hours in self-study.  There will never be enough hours to learn all I want to learn.

Since moving to NH, we have made many improvements to our home and land, first of which was adding a wood stove and a clothesline.  dscn0781     dscn0391        (Oh how I love laundry on the line!)  On June 27, 2018 I finally realized my dream and opened my own herb shop!  It is my dream to assist others, in a low key way, with getting the most out of their lives and their health with natural, chem-free products, as well as sharing some of the things I have learned.  Transitioning to a more natural lifestyle can be intimidating.  Sometimes you don’t really know where to start and get overwhelmed.  I know that was how I felt – sometimes I still do!  It seems to me having someone you can talk to, who has been there and can share their ups and downs, always makes change easier.

Mike is a retired veteran of the U.S. Air Force, but still works full time in his civilian job. We are fortunate that this enables us to do the things we want to do here.  Poor Mike works all week and then spends the weekend doing all the projects around here.  (And there are many.)  We still haven’t been able to get all the fence done to accommodate some dairy goats, which we are hoping to acquire at some point.  I’d like the milk to drink, as it is more easily digested by humans, plus it is great in soap!


We sometimes struggle with this new lifestyle.  Don’t let anyone tell you a simpler life is an “easy” one.  It’s not.  We moved away from many friends and being very involved in the community we lived in before.  I was active in community theater and served on the School Committee.  Mike coached youth and Boys JV Basketball.  It’s much quieter here, and sometimes it can be hard to get away for a little fun and relaxation.  Mike really misses coaching.  That said, it has all been so worth it.  I can’t explain the satisfaction of opening a can of vegetables in February that you remember slaving over in the heat of August; a nice country breakfast from eggs you collected that morning; crawling into sheets fresh off the line; or just propping your feet up with the wood stove cranking on a cold, snowy evening.  It is a very satisfying life, and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to live it.

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We raised two children, whom we are incredibly proud of, and currently (2021)are blessed with two grandchildren.


Our two ” babies”:  Jake, our Standard Poodle, and Sadie, the princess Golden Retriever

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